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Axon Vibe Brings Swiss Quality to MTA’s Transit Tech Lab

Media Release - 25 February 2019

MTA Taking National Lead in Transit Innovation – the smart mobility platform Axon Vibe, among the six finalists!

NEW YORK – The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and the Partnership for New York City have jointly announced the  finalists accepted to the Transit Tech Lab, an accelerator program that allows tech companies to introduce New York’s transportation agencies to new products designed to improve transit services.

Through a global competition in which almost 100 companies participated, six technology companies have been selected for the eight-week program. They will work with MTA personnel to customize their products to address needs of the transit agencies and its customers.

During the Transit Tech Lab, the MTA will be able to evaluate innovative products offered by the participating companies—at no cost to the MTA—and entrepreneurs will work to customize their products to address challenges facing New York. At the end of the eight-week Lab, the MTA can decide to move forward with a one-year pilot of those technologies that are found to offer the best solutions.

The companies selected for the Lab were evaluated by MTA and tech sector experts. They were required to submit working versions of their technologies and to have proven track records of successfully integrating with customers.

The subway challenge called for solutions that better predict and prevent subway delays and reduce the burden on customers. One of the selected companies is:

  • Axon Vibe: A global smart mobility platform that analyzes and predicts real-world passenger travel patterns by leveraging smartphone data. Axon Vibe enables public transport agencies worldwide to deliver personalized and contextual communications regarding transit-related delays, incidents and third-party offers to passengers through a smartphone app, while respecting their privacy.

Founded in 2014, Axon Vibe is a team of highly qualified and passionate software engineers, data scientists, location analytics experts, psychologists and communication specialists. Axon Vibe‘s fast growing business is backed by private and corporate Swiss investors. 

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Partnership for New York City
Ashley Greenspan / agreenspan@pfnyc.org / +1 212-493-7511

Axon Vibe
Roman Oberli / roman.oberli@axonvibe.com / +41 79 544 33 69